
Piles are inflamed or engorged blood vessels in the anus, causing pain and discomfort to the sufferer one can have range of sizes and it may be external or internal.

Chronic constipation
Sedentary life style
Certain food etc.

Stage – 1 : these are small inflammation , usually inside the lining of the anus.
Stage – 2 : They come out during defecation and then automatically goes in.
Stage – 3 : When they comes out , they have to be pushed in by the finger.
Stage -4 : These can not be pushed back in, they remain outside of anus.

Pain and burning during or after passing stool.
Mucus discharge

Basic diagnosis by inquiring into your lifestyle and habits.
By physical examination
By proctoscope

Natural medicines not only aid to alleviate the symptoms like pain, burning, bleeding and itching, but also gives the permanent cure in most of the cases depending on the stages and severity of the diseases.

Anal Fissure

Anal fissure is a small cut or tear in the lining of the anus.

After pregnancy
Frequent diarrhea etc.

Pain, sometimes aggravated while passing stool or after stool.

Medical history
By physical examination
Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy

Natural medicines not only aid to alleviate the symptoms like pain, burning, blecding and itching, but also gives the permanent cure in most of the cases depending on the stages and severity of the diseases.

Anal Fistula

An Anal fistula is often a result of a previous abcess. It is communication between the anorectal canal and the perianal skin that is lined with granulation tissue.

Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease
Infection of anal gland etc

Discharge of Pus

Medical history

Natural medicines not only aid to alleviate the symptoms like pain, burning, blecding and itching, but also gives the permanent cure in most of the cases depending on the stages and severity of the diseases.

Self Help for piles, fissure, fistula

Avoid non-veg diet, wheat flour, gram flour, spicy food, green chilly, junk food, fatty and oily food, alcohol consumption, avoid heavy exercise, avoid long sitting.

Take more of green salad, butter milk with rock salt, curd, plenty of fluids, figs and add more fiber containing food in diet.

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