Types of diabetes
There are Two Types

Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) And Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDO).

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is a disorder which occurs when the level of blood glucose elevates in the blood stream. This occurs because pancreas fails to produce adequate amount of insulin.

Excessive Hunger (polyphagia)
Excessive thirst (Polydipsia)
Frequent urination (polyuria)
Weight loss
Slow healing wound
Erectile dysfunction

Damage to kidney (nephropathy)
Damage to eyes (retinopathy)
Damage to nerve (neuropathy)
Cardiac disorders
Diabetic foot
Alzheimer’s disease

Natural Medicine Not Only Focus To Treat The Disease By Controlling The Sugar By Stimulating The Insulin Secreation, But Also Aid To Improve Over All Health And There By Preventing The Complication Of Diabetes. It Is Very Safe And Highly Effective And Can Be Taken Along With Other Method Of Treatment.

Avoid Sugar rich food
Avoid sweet pulp fruits
Avoid cold drinks, rice, sweet, potatoes, honey, alcohol consumption etc.
Take more of sproutes, curd, salad before meals
Do regular exercise, yoga or pranayam
Reduce stress
Seek your doctor’s advice.

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